FIRE 2015

Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation

DAIICT , Gandhinagar

4 - 6 December

  • Are the participants invited for presentation of their work in the workshop?
  • Absolutely!

  • I have submitted a run, and I will write the working note too, but I cannot attend the workshop in person. Do I need to register and pay the registration fee?
  • That's unnecessary. You need not register or pay the fee if you can not attend the worshop. Your run submissions and write-ups will be accepted for evaluation and review.

  • I am planning to attend the workshop, is there any travel fellowship or other forms of funding that are available?
  • As of now, our level of funding will not allow us to extend any sort of travel support. We will make an announcement on the fire-list if the situation changes.

  • Since I don't see any option for Credit Card payment, is it possible to make the payment by check at the time of the workshop?
  • Right, we don't take Credit Cards. If you can't manage an electronic transfer, give us a 'Cashier's Cheque' (in stead of a 'Banker's Cheque'). Snail-mail it to us, or you may give it to us at the venue. Cash is best avoided.

  • Will you acknowledge receiving the payment? How will you know I sent it?
  • Yes we will, but it might take us some time to get back to you. We'll to match the Demand Draft / Cheque number you have filled in during registration. The transaction description string / transaction ID should give us some hints in the case of an electronic transfer. It's best if you can mention your name in the transaction string.

  • Will the registration fee cover my accommodation expenses?
  • No. The food and lodging expenses has to be borne by the participant.

  • Will you arrange for accommodation?
  • We will try to reserve space for the participants in the guest houses / hostels at the venue. Participants need to book them over phone / email. Please keep a tab on the Logistics page for details.

  • I haven't submitted a run, can I participate?
  • Of course you can! Participation is open to all. You may be interested to hear the keynotes / talks. You have to register and pay the registration fee to attend the workshop.

  • I have submitted a run, but I haven't submitted a working note. Will I get a mention in the post-proceedings?
  • Unlikely. All those (and only those) who submit papers for the working notes will be invited to submit revised versions of their papers for this volume.

  • What 'Title' should we use for the working notes?
  • For the title, you can use "FIRE 2011 Working Notes".

  • Who do we mention as 'Editors' for the working notes?
  • Since the working notes will simply be a collection of pdf files put together with no editorial intervention, there are no editors for these notes. We're sure you can fool BiBTeX (or similar) into accepting a no-editors compilation.

  • What are the formatting guidelines for the working notes?
  • As at TREC, there are no constraints on the length / format of the working notes paper. Please mail a single pdf file containing your paper to The pdf files will be uploaded to the web-site and (most likely) distributed to participants on a CD. There may or may not be a hard copy version of the notes.

  • How do we submit the working notes?
  • Email a single PDF file to

  • What to follow up the working notes with?
  • The revised version of the working notes should include details of the approach(es) used, and a proper analysis of the results. All submissions will go through a peer-review process. Papers that do not contain adequate details about the approach / analysis of the results will be rejected.

  • Who is publishing the post-proceedings of FIRE 2015?
  • FIRE 2015 post proceedings will be published by CEUR-WS.

  • Where and how do I submit the paper?
  • We will update you soon.

    Invited speakers

  • Do invited speakers have to register for workshop?
  • Not at all!. We have already enlisted you.

  • Is accommodation being arranged for the invited speakers, or do we need to do this for ourselves?
  • We have arranged for accommodation for invited speakers. We'll pick you up and drop you at at the airport. You don't have to make these arrangements yourself.

  • How do we travel to the venue from the airport or railway station?
  • The FIRE organisers have arranged for pick up and drop at the airports and stations for all our invited speakers. You do not need to arrange for this yourself.

  • I want to post to the fire-list, can you please add me as a member?
  • We have added all email IDs that we could find from the registration information. If you still feel left out, please email us.